8 easy cocktail recipes...
The only 8 cocktail recipes you'll need this summer...
8 fool-proof cocktail recipes to brighten up the darkest month
Woohoo, the weekend is here, so ditch the supermarket Sauvignon Blanc (and hangover) and try mixing up a light fruit-based cocktail instead. After all, life is just too short for low-grade drinks, and there comes a time in your life when you really should know a couple of classics to whip out and impress your mates.
We asked Willy Borrell, owner of award-winning Ladies and Gentlemen cocktail bar in Kentish town, London, for his 8 fool-proof cocktail recipes to bring a ray of sunshine to winter evenings... You’re welcome.
Water Cooler
50 ml Vestal Vodka
20 ml freshly squeezed lime
15 ml fresh elderflower juice
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2 tsp sugar
5 ml sherry
Serve in a chilled long glass with cucumber to garnish over ice
Classic Caipirinha
1/2 lime
1/2 teaspoon sugar
50ml cachaca
Slice the lime into 1/2-inch rounds, cube them, and muddle them in a small tumbler with the sugar. Add a couple of ice cubes. Pour in the cachaça. Enjoy
Berry Zen
40 ml Vestal Vodka
10 ml Crème de Cassis
Handful of Fresh Blackberries and raspberries
Lemon & Sugar Syrup
Top up with Prosecco and serve in long glass.
The perfect Mai tai
25ml Amber rum
25 ml Dark rum
10 ml orgeat syrup or 1 drop pure almond extract
20ml lemon juice
5ml sugar
25ml Granadilla Juice
Shake and serve on ice with a slice of orange.
Millenial Mule
50ml Vestal Vodka
25 ml fresh lime juice
12 ½ ml sugar syrup
A Splash ginger beer (not ale!)
Serve long with plenty of ice and a lime wedge.
50 ml White Rum
8 Mint leaves
12 1/2 ml Sugar Syrup
25 ml Lime Juice
2 Mint sprigs
Shake and serve in a long glass topped up with soda and plenty of ice.
Watermelon martini
50 ml Gin
25 ml Gomme Syrup
4 chunks Watermelon
Watermelon wedge
Muddle 4 chunks of melon in a mixing glass. Add remaining ingredients into mixing glass. Fill the mixing glass to the top with cubed ice and then shake for 10 seconds. Double strain into martini glass. Garnish with watermelon wedge.
The best Bloody Mary
– Serves 4
150ml Vestal Vdka
3cm piece of fresh horseradish
half litre good tomato juice
1 tsp tabasco
1 tsp worcestershire sauce
1/2 tsp celery salt
½ lemon, cut into wedges
1 tbsp amontillado or cream sherry (cream is sweeter)
Celery, to serve (optional)
Mix together the tomato juice, Tabasco, Worcestershire sauce and celery salt, squeeze each lemon wedge into the jug. Season well with black pepper. Drop wedges into the jug and stir together well. Chill for 20 mins if possible.
Pour the vodka and sherry into the jug and stir well with a celery. Drink quickly.
Andrea Thompson is Editor in Chief at Marie Claire UK and was named by We are the City as one of the UKs top 50 trailblazers for her work championing gender equality.
Andrea has worked as a senior journalist for a range of publications over her 20 year career including The Sunday Times, The Guardian, The Daily Mail, Channel 4, Glamour and Grazia. At Marie Claire UK, Andrea oversees content, strategy and campaigns across fashion, beauty and the brand's purpose pillars. Her weekly newsletter and column Andreas It List showcases her curated edit of the very best in fashion and beauty. Andrea is a keen advocate of women's empowerment, sustainability and diversity and is a regular speaker at events on these themes. She sits on the committee of the British Society of Magazine Editors where she acts as Vice Chair and looks after Diversity and Inclusion and regularly mentors young women from under represented communities trying to break into the media industry. Follow her on instagram at @andreacanwrite