Dear Dolly: 'I'm getting married in a few months and I don't think I can go through with it'

Our residence Agony Aunt answers...

Dolly Pawton Marie Claire Columnist

Our residence Agony Aunt answers...

London. Covent Garden. 1:45 pm

So I would ask you what you’ve all been up to, but I already know as so many of you have written to me with your dramas to Dear Dolly.. well I can tell you one thing, I feel a lot better about my love life, fashion malfunctions and drinking habits now I’ve heard about yours! Not to mention the jokes. You filthy bunch!

Speaking of drinking... I attended the fabulous LGBT awards at the Marriott hotel, Mayfair in London and rubbed shoulder pads (yes they are making a come back) with Mel B, she gave us all what we really-really wanted! All the gossip on everything but couldn’t remember who she was wearing! She looked spicy as hell, but after having a root around in her dress where a tag should be! (That’s right I had my paws inside a spice girl) We were non the wiser! Phoenix her daughter is a super babe and her Mum wouldn’t take her eyes off - can’t blame her she was gorgeous in a fully transparent mini body-con dress with lace and beads to cover her best bits!

There were so many familiar faces at the event and is always one I go to as the red carpet is as long as my list of ex’s and the champagne flows, just like Cardi B’s lyrics.

All the love was flowing from google boxes Scarlett Moffat, not only was she the ‘I’m a celebrity get me out of here’ jungle winner she was the winner of love on the night. Wearing Vivienne Westwood and opted for a smart/casual look, teamed an over sized Westwood print shirt with skinnies and heels. With a red lip and loads of hugs her look was perfect for the event.

The much-awaited Sinitta arrived and to my disappointment not a leaf in sight to cover her modesty, but a muted silver chain top with satin black pants. She enjoyed the night with the likes of the only way is Essex Bobby Noris, Beverly knight and Rachel Shelly.

I drank my body weight in Champagne and spoke to everyone about how fabulous I was and asked the questions no one dared too.

This week I got an email asking a very common question.

This one came in anonymously and how can I blame them. It’s a difficult one and can only sympathise with the feels.

Dear Dolly,

I don’t know if you can help me and I am sure you will get hundreds of questions but I am getting married in a few months and don’t think I can go through with it. I have been planning this wedding for over a year. I have had minimal to no help with the choice making and now feel exhausted and not sure I even want to be married? Please help. Was I just in love with the idea of the big day? Or is this normal pre wedding nerves?

Anonymous, Philadelphia US

Dear Philli,

This is a bloody hard one! I would off the cuff say RUN for the Hollywood hills, BUT pre wedding nerves are the most common feels and questions arise like “Do I even like them!?” Let alone love them. Saying “I do” for a lifetime is like me committing to pizza every night of the week. I mean, I love pizza but every night? I like to mix it up bit on a Thursday. I know we are not talking food but seriously this is the norm for pre wedding questions. I think the question should be could you see yourself without this person? Would you like to wake up without this person? If the answer is no it’s simply nerves. Wedding planning can take its toll don’t lose sight of your relationship and the love you have.

If the answer is “Hell no I can’t stand this person, Dolly, how could I be so wrong? I don’t see this person in my future” Then I will meet you at the top of the hill with tissues and a large bottle of something strong!

Either way, do what you feel in your heart and trust your gut. You can’t go wrong with that!!

London love,

Dolly Pawton

Dolly Pawton

Don't forget, you too can ask Dolly a question.

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